Can Perfume Kill Spiders? (Alternative Ways)

You could be having a good morning and then all of a sudden you see movement from the corner of your eye. Once you confirm that it’s a spider, you begin looking around you to find anything you can to kill it. Will your perfume do the trick?

It’s possible for perfume to slow a spider down, but it may not kill it. If you spray enough perfume to drown the spider, it might die. But then you’d have to ask yourself if you want that much of your Chanel No. 5 to be used as a targeted spider killing spray.

Learn more about the uniqueness of spiders, why perfume might not kill them, and some alternative ways to remove them from your space. 

Can Perfume Kill Spiders

Can Perfume Effectively Kill Spiders?

As you’ve read on this blog perfumes are made using a significant amount of ethyl alcohol. It’s suggested that perfumes with high alcohol content can kill spiders.

Eau de cologne and eau de toilette have the highest alcohol content. Perfumes and eau de perfumes have near equal amounts of alcohol and aromatic compounds. 

Spiders don’t breathe in the same way humans do, so they can appear to be dead even when they aren’t. 

If you spray perfume on them, and they feel threatened, they might stop crawling but that doesn’t mean that the perfume killed them.

Soaking spiders in rubbing alcohol will definitely kill them. This is the method used by scientists preparing spider specimens. 

But you’d have to drop them into a large amount of alcohol in order for them to die. They can also drown when flushed down the toilet.

Spraying spiders with perfume might slow them down enough for you to then capture and squash them with a paper towel. But I don’t think that the perfume alone would kill them.

What Kills Spiders?

So then what would actually kill a spider? There are a number of common methods used to get rid of spiders. Here are a couple:

Sticky Traps

You’d simply place these traps in the corners of your home where you’ve seen the most spiders. Over time, spiders will get trapped inside. This isn’t an immediate solution. 

Spider Pesticides

Since spiders are not insects, you have to make sure that the pesticide that you purchase is also formulated to kill spiders. There are regular, and natural options available. 

Spray pesticides for spiders are the best solution for killing dangerous spiders that might be found in your home.

If you come in contact with a brown recluse spider, black widow, or any of these additional venomous spiders, then you should kill them upon contact. 

But most spiders won’t harm you. In such cases, consider these alternative ways to kill spiders. 

Alternative Ways to Kill Spiders

At this point it’s obvious that you’d have to use nearly a full bottle of perfume in order to kill a spider. No one wants to spend that much on their favorite fragrance on a spider.

So then how can you get rid of a spider without using chemicals or creating puddles? There are some natural alternatives to exterminating spiders. Here are my suggestions:

Vacuum Suction

One of the most effective ways to capture a spider is by using the suction of your vacuum cleaner. I would suggest using the attached hose instead of the brush roller on the bottom of the vacuum. 

Using the hose suction is not only quicker, but it’s less messy. You’re also guaranteed to capture the spider when using the suction hose.

Vinegar and Water Solution

Instead of spraying spiders with your precious perfume juice, try using a vinegar and water solution.

Pour equal parts vinegar and water into a clean spray bottle. Spray the spider on site as you would when using a chemical bug spray. The difference here is that the vinegar is non-toxic and safe to use around pets.

It’s the acid levels of the vinegar that the spider can’t endure. One caveat, though, is that those same acid levels might damage your floor. So be sure to test the solution in an inconspicuous place on your flooring before using it regularly as a bug spray. 

If you’re squeamish, this might not be the best approach for you. Eventually, you’ll have to use a napkin or other cloth to pick up the dead spider and wipe up any residual solution on the floor.

Squish and Wipe

In some cases the spider is really small. Young spiderlings are so little that you can take wads of tissue paper or a paper towel and smash it. Afterwards, wipe it up and toss the towel into the garbage.

Capture and Release

The last suggestion is not to kill it at all.

Depending on the type and size of spider, you can cover it with a clear container or drinking glass. Then slide the glass to the edge of the counter and prepare to cover the opening.

Capture spider

Using a piece of cardboard or some other supportive flat object, carefully slide the glass and spider over the paper to trap the spider inside.

Take it outdoors – far enough away from your house that it won’t immediately reenter your space. Releasing it about ten feet away should suffice. 

Capture and release is one of the best methods to control non-venomous spiders. These spiders are a great benefit to our ecosystem.

Whether they trap insects in their magnificent webs or sneakily hunt for them on the ground, spiders do a great job of ridding us of pesky insects that can harm gardens and crops and invade human spaces. 

Small mammals and birds also feast on them so spiders are necessary to aid in the circle of life.

So the next time you see a spider, consider all the good it might be doing for you. As long as it isn’t venomous, pause and weigh your options before killing it. 

You can even take home spiders as pets.

Preventative Measures

Have you noticed that there are too many spiders in your home? It might be time to be more proactive about preventing them from entering into your space in the first place. 

Thorough Cleaning

Keeping your space as clean as you can is one of the best ways to deter spider activity. 

Spiders prey on ants, flies, roaches, and other pests. If you keep your home clean, then fewer of these pests will be attracted to your space. This in turn, removes spiders’ food source – causing them to search for nourishment elsewhere. 

Here are some cleaning tips:

  • Keep food covered and put away.
  • Don’t allow dishes to accumulate.
  • Leave distance between vegetation and your home.
  • Regularly vacuum and dust, especially when you see spider egg sacs.
  • Don’t allow papers, trash, or clothes to pile up and accumulate; spiders hide here.

Natural Essential Oils

Spiders detest the smell of some essential oils. There are a number of ways that you can use these oils to turn spiders away from your home.

Essential Oil Solution 

Fill a large spray bottle with 32 ounces of water. To that, add 20 drops of essential oil. For smaller areas, you can half this ratio, adding 10 drops of oil to 16 ounces of water.

Use 100% natural essential oils for this to be effective. Oils they dislike are:

  • Peppermint
  • Eucalyptus
  • Cinnamon
  • Tea tree
  • Citrus
  • Rose
  • Lavender

Spray this solution along your floor boards, in small cracks in the flooring, around your doorway, and in the corners of your home.

If there’s one area of your home where you’re certain spiders emerge from, then you can use undiluted essential oil. 

Carefully apply drops of essential oil onto cotton balls or pads. Stuff the cotton into the crack or crevice where you see spiders frequently emerge. This should prevent them from entering into your space.

Baking Soda

This is another natural deterrent that’s effective for spiders but won’t hurt humans or pets when used in small quantities. Simply sprinkle it in areas where you suspect spiders frequent.

Sealing Crevices

As a homeowner, you can inspect the interior and exterior of your home and seal up any cracks or gaps you find. If you rent, then you can seal any area visible to you from within your home. If spiders are still overrunning your space, then ask your landlord to seal the exterior.

Should You Kill Spiders in Your Home?

Harmful spiders in close proximity to you should be killed immediately. Avoid direct contact with them. Using a spray that kills spiders is your best option. Once dead, you can suck them up using your vacuum cleaner.

On the other hand, harmless spiders don’t have to be killed. They’re an annoyance, for sure, but you might be better off letting them live. 

You don’t have to kill most spiders, but there are natural and non-messy ways to get rid of them if you feel that you need to.

You can also take action to deter them from entering into your home altogether. Read through the list above in order to decide the best method for you.

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Hello and welcome to Fragrance Advice! My name is Grace Young, and I’ve been drawn to fragrances since I was a little girl. There's just something about scent that brings me so much joy! 

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